The Barber Program is a postsecondary instructional program prepares individuals to cut, color, perm, shampoo, and style hair. Students are also instructed on the proper techniques for facial massaging and shaving. Special attention is given to hygiene, safety, skin, scalp diseases, and equipment sterilization. Included is the study of sales, business management, laws governing the profession of barbering, and customer relationships. Instruction qualifies students for the MS State Board of Barber Examiners certification examination.
BRB 111 - Basic Practices in Barbering
BRB 121 - Fundamentals Practices in Barbering I
BRB 131 - Fundamental Practices in Barbering II
BRB 141 - Intermediate Practices in Barbering I
BRB 151 - Intermediate Practices in Barbering II
BRB 161 - Advanced Practices in Barbering

The Barber Instructor Program presents future educators with the teaching skills and educational judgments necessary to become an effective and successful instructor. The content in Barber Instructor is designed for flexibility, being used in programs ranging from a basic overview of instructor training to programs that require more advanced teaching techniques. Presented in a conversational, easy-to-understand style, it uses many pedagogical features to emphasize important information and powerful teaching techniques. Barber Instructor Course serves the future instructor as a valuable, fundamental learning tool, and the seasoned instructor with the strategies needed to adapt to the changing landscape of classroom learning. Two years of experience as an active Licensed Barber or immediately upon completion of 1500 clock hours of Barber Training and passing of the Barber State Board Examination is required.
BRB 211 - Barbering Instructor Training I
BRB 222 - Barbering Instructor Training II